
Monday, November 16, 2015

Send email through Communication template in Scripting

We can send email notification from Communication Template with Automation Scripts.

It is needed only if the Application doesn't have the feature or if it cannot be attached to workflow/escalation. 
This script uses Communication Template feature to send email from Automation Script. In the below example email will be sent to the owner of work order as and when the work order is saved.

  1. Create a Communication template for any application (Say for example: Work Order Tracking application).
  2. Create a relationship from between workorder and email objects. (In work order)
Condition: personid=: owner
  1. Create a role to add the owner of work order.
  2. Add the recipient from the role we created in the previous step.
  3. Create a Relationship between Communication template and Work order objects.
Condition: ownerid in (select workorderid from workorder where wonum=:wonum and siteid = :siteid) and ownertable = 'ASSET'
  1. Create an object launchpoint in workorder object Add method. Whenever a new workorder is created email has to be sent to the owner of workorder.

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