
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Set default value through relationship

Goal: Populate the storeroom in Work order actuals (Materials section) from the person's default storeroom.

  1. Create a relationship from MATUSETRANS to MAXUSER.
    • Relationship: LOGGEDIN_USER
    • Child Object: MAXUSER
    • Where Clause: :&PERSONID& = personid

  2. Give the default value for STORELOC attribute as ':LOGGEDIN_USER.DEFSTOREROOM'

  3. Save the record.
  4. Run the database configuration from select action in the list view of 'Database Configuration' application.
    Note: This change don't require admin mode as it is a not structural change.
Apply Configuration Changes from Select Action

Start Configuring the Database

Database configuration is complete.

  1. Click on Profile on the top right corner. Select Default Information option, enter the default storeroom value in "Default Storeroom for Self-Service Requisitions" field.
    Note: The User should have access to issue items from the given Storeroom.
  2. Create a Work order and approve it. Go to Actuals tab, in the Materials section click on New row. The default storeroom given in the profile will be populated.

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