
Monday, May 15, 2017

Implicit Variables in Maximo Automation Scripts

Implicit variables are those variables which need not be defined separately in the script. Some of the variables can be used directly ex: app, user, mbo. Some need to be associated with other variables we declare, ex: var_required (var is the user defined variable)
Below are the list of some of the implicit variables.

Name Type Description Availability
app String Name of the Maximo application where the script is executing All the launchpoints
mbo psdi.mbo.Mbo Current Mbo in the context of script execution.
In case of Object LP it is the object in which the script is executed.
In case of Attribute launchpoint it is the owner of the attribute in which the script is executed.
In case of Action launchpoint it is same as the escalation or the workflow object.
All the launchpoints
mboname String Name of the current mbo in the context of script execution All the launchpoints
user String Name of the user whose action initiated the script All the launchpoints
errorkey String This is used to throw MXExceptions this works with errorgroup and params implict variables All the launchpoints
errorgroup String This one points to the errorgroup of the MXException. Along with the errorkey it helps uniquely point to an error message All the launchpoints
params String[] This is the parameters of the MXException All the launchpoints
interactive boolean Indicates whether the script is running in an active user session or a non-user background session such as integration transaction/cron task. All the launchpoints
evalresult boolean The boolean variable of type OUT to indicate the result of the condition evaluation. Only custom condition launchpoint
onadd boolean This boolean variable indicates whether the mbo in the script being added All launchpoint
ondelete boolean This boolean variable indicates whether the mbo in the script being deleted All launchpoint
onupdate boolean This boolean variable indicates whether the mbo in the script being updated All launchpoint
action String Name of the action that generates Action launchpoint
scriptName String Name of the script being run All launchpoint
launchPoint String Name of the launchpoint for the corresponding script being run All launchpoint
scriptHome psdi.mbo.Mbo Refers to the mbo that is currently being worked on. Action launchpoint
wfinstance psdi.workflow.WFInstance Indicates the workflow from which the current action was started Action launchpoint (only when the action is launched fromteh workflow)

Below are some of the variables which can be used only after associating with the user defined variables:

Name Type Description Availability
var_hidden boolean Retrives or sets the hidden flag to the business object attribute All launchpoint
var_initial Same as the variable Provides the initial value for
an attribute retrieved from
the MBO
All launchpoint
var_internal Same as the variable Provides the internal value
All launchpoint
var_modified boolean Provides a flag that indicates
whether the value for an
attribute was modified
All launchpoint
var_required boolean Sets the required flag for the
defined attribute
All launchpoint
var_readonly boolean Sets the read-only flag for the
defined attribute
All launchpoint
var_previous Same as the variable Provides the previous value
for an attribute
retrieved from the MBO
Attribute launchpoint (only
for the attribute
that generated)

Please leave below comments if you need any help regarding variables.

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