
Monday, February 12, 2024

Maximizing Efficiency with the Maximo Admin Start Center

The Maximo Admin Start Center is a powerful tool that provides quick access to the tools and key performance indicators (KPIs) most frequently used1. It’s the first screen you see after logging in2, and it can be customized to include all or a selection of Maximo modules.

Creating a New Start Center

Creating a new Start Center in Maximo is straightforward once the user has the correct permissions. Here are the steps to create a new Start Center:

  1. Permissions: Ensure that the user has read access to the necessary applications and that the ‘Can Create Template’ option is checked for the Layout and Configuration application.
  2. Create New Template: Select ‘Create New Template’ on your Start Center.
  3. Select Content: Click on ‘Select Content’ and choose the content for both the left and right columns.
  4. Save Template: Enter a relevant description in the description textbox and select 'Save Template’.

Customizing Your Start Center

A user with administrative rights can create and change templates, update portlets, and change the appearance of the Start Center. They can also control which portlets you see and can configure. This allows for a high degree of customization, ensuring that each user’s Start Center is tailored to their specific needs.

Suggested Portlets for Admin Start Center

Favourite Applications: 

This portlet displays the applications that you use frequently. Clicking an application in the portlet takes you directly to the application.

  1. Configurations
    • Domains
    • Database Configuration
    • Automation Script
    • Application Designer
    • Workflow Designer
    • Cron Task Setup
  2. Integration
    • Object Structures
    • Publish Channels
    • Enterprise Services
    • External Systems
    • End Points
    • Message Tracking
    • Message Reprocessing
  3. Migration Applications
    • Object Structures
    • Migration Groups
    • Migration Manager
    • Migration Collections
  4. Resources
    • People
    • Person Groups
    • Labor
    • Crews
    • Security Groups
    • License Usage Monitor
  5. Workflow
    • Roles
    • Users
    • Actions
    • Workflow Designer
    • Workflow Administration

Result Sets: 

The Result Set portlet displays the results of a saved query in either list format or chart format. It allows you to interact with the result set from within the portlet.

  1. Logged-in users
    • One particularly useful portlet that we often configure on the Admin Start Center is the ‘Logged-in Users’ list. This provides a real-time snapshot of users currently logged into the Maximo server, which is invaluable when conducting unplanned system maintenance that necessitates setting the admin mode or restarting the server. You may also consider grouping the logged in users by Site (if Maximo is setup for multisite organization). The query can be configured in the Users application is: userid in (select userid from maxsession)or exists (select userid from maxsession where maxsession.userid=maxuser.userid)
  2. Blocked Users
    • Occasionally, users may forget their passwords and, after several unsuccessful login attempts, find their accounts blocked by the system. It’s prudent to proactively reach out to these users and assist them in resetting their accounts. The query to be configured in the Users application is: status = 'BLOCKED'
  3. Escalation Error
    • Escalations can sometimes fail unbeknownst to the team. Regular monitoring of failed escalations is recommended to ensure timely identification and resolution of issues. The query to be configured in Escalations application is: sexists (select escalation from escstatus where escstatus.escalation=escalation.escalation and status='ERROR' and statusdate > sysdate - 3 days).
  4. Integration error
    • The same monitoring technique can be applied to track integration errors in the MAXINTERROR       table select count(*) from maxinterror where deleteflag=0


The Maximo Start Center is a versatile and customizable tool that can significantly enhance productivity by providing quick and easy access to frequently used tools and KPIs. With the ability to create and customize Start Centers, administrators can ensure that each user has a Start Center that is perfectly suited to their needs.
Remember, the power of Maximo lies not just in its robust features, but also in how well those features are tailored to meet the unique needs of each user. So, start exploring the capabilities of the Maximo Admin Start Center today and unlock a new level of efficiency and productivity.

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